Not that it was easy, from the manure beds of the Delhi college band scene, the band grew independent of trend. Experimenting with a bizarre range of selective covers and always with an emphasis on making our own songs, everything they played eventually ended up sounding like Messiah music. While they bandied categories like punk, grunge, alternative and new wave, everything was still distinctly Messiah — raw, in-your-face, and markedly different from everyone else. So too, were the regulars who followed the band’s progress simply because they were tired of what was all too easy to be real music.
The band grew from an on-stage trio to add a 3-member road crew, picked up a minor but dedicated following in Mumbai (Thanks Rishu!) and against all apprehension, awkward instances and disapprobation from fellow ‘experienced’ bands when they went into the studio to record The Antidote.
After recording the first album, The Antidote, life finally caught up with the trio. College was over, careers were calling and while attentions were divided amid these, things cooled down for the band. After a 5-year hiatus wherein Mickey (Bass) and Sumit (Drums) became professional sound engineers and Kush (Guitar, Vocals) added degrees to his educational qualifications, it was the intermittent jams that kept the name alive. After all, jamming together had got under the band members’ skin, like blood.
Now with careers, parents, girlfriends and everyone connected assured that the trio were not a dead-loss-to-humanity, the band is together again with new-found maturity, skill, equipment, strength and the same old purity of purpose. All that was needed was a trigger on the event horizon.
It happened and the band is back with a brand new single, Boys Don’t Cry, and pleasantly surprised at their brevity in the face of the same old insanity; a new and improved method to their madness; if you will. Still, at the heart is the same old Messiah, hunkered under new musical muscle, promise!
How long i gonna cry?
As far as i remember boys are not suppose to cry.
My love still got force,
In one leap I can take off to Mexico,
C'est la vie you said,
What a great escape and you changed a little too fast,
But Gogo you should know
All the things I left behind to just be with you
With you
Loving as you were
One day you thought you have had enough
You have to complain
But Gauri listen this is no time to play games
Mired in your caste
You are trying to do your duty at your best
My dreams aren't dead
One is broken and others are obviously dead
Is out of sight is out of mind is out of mind is out of sight....
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